Saturday, April 23, 2011

Acid Causes Inflammation That Can Lead To Cancer

"The increase of MicroRna-155 is the result of cellular breakdown due to an increase of metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids. Increased tissue acidity will lead to inflammation and long term inflammation will lead to cancer." Dr Robert O Young

ScienceDaily (Apr. 19, 2011) — A new study shows how inflammation can help cause cancer. Chronic inflammation due to infection or to conditions such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease is associated with up to 25 percent of all cancers.
This study by researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center -- Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC -- James) found that inflammation stimulates a rise in levels of a molecule called microRNA-155 (miR-155).

This, in turn, causes a drop in levels of proteins involved in DNA repair, resulting in a higher rate of spontaneous gene mutations, which can lead to cancer.

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Dr Young's Research Validated - Acids From Metabolism Causes Cancer

The following article found in Science Daily validates Dr. Young's acid theory for the cause of cancer and his treatment theory of using anti-oxidants to reverse or buffer acids that cause cancer such as ketones and lactates.

Key to Personalized Cancer Medicine Unlocked Using Tumor Metabolism

ScienceDaily (Apr. 17, 2011) — Identifying gene mutations in cancer patients to predict clinical outcome has been the cornerstone of cancer research for nearly three decades, but now researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson have invented a new approach that instead links cancer cell metabolism with poor clinical outcome. This approach can now be applied to virtually any type of human cancer cell.

The researchers demonstrate that recurrence, metastasis, and poor clinical outcome in breast cancer patients can be identified by simply gene profiling cancer cells that are using ketones and lactate as a food supply.

These findings are reported in the April 15 online issue of Cell Cycle. The investigators are calling this new approach to personalized cancer medicine "Metabolo-Genomics."


Using Raw Apple Cider Vinegar As Medicinal Method

Honestly, natural apple cider vinegar is one of nature's own, true miracle health elixirs. The long history of its use demonstrates, rather clearly, that using vinegar was once highly revered as a practical medical application long before Johnny Appleseed graced North America by planting apple trees.

The healing powers of vinegar has been traced back as far as 3000 BC, Hippocrates, Babylonia, and to 15th century England as a means to ward off dangerous and infectious diseases, to keep one's general health fit and strong, and used as a simple antiseptic/disinfectant.

When deciding to use ACV for medicinal purposes, be sure to select only a raw, non-distilled vinegar. You may be able to find this type of vinegar in your regular grocery store. But more likely than not, you will probably need to look for it at a local health food store.

Clear distilled vinegar is easy to find in any food store and is relatively inexpensive. This type of vinegar is great for regular household cleaning chores, but it is not so wonderful for your internal health. Non-distilled vinegars are definitely going to be more expensive and nutritionally potent than the distilled varieties, but isn't your health worth the price difference? Plus, you are going to have the satisfaction of knowing that you have chosen the right mixture that will work hard to enhance your health.

Most commercial brands (whether white or brown) have been pasteurized, filtered, and refined or distilled in order to make the final product look more attractive to please the consumer. The manufacturers are only giving the consumer what they apparently seem to want. Unfortunately, unbeknown to the average consumer, this extra processing actually destroys much of the natural health restorative properties of the end product.

Look for ACVs that have been cold pressed and made from whole, organically grown apples, with no added chemical preservatives, and in which the 'mother' of vinegar liquid has been retained. This 'mother' substance, as it is lovingly known, is the gelatinous liqueur that is naturally formed during the final fermentation process.

This milky, cloudy, and stringy looking stuff at the bottom of the container is what contains the healthiest part of the mixture. It also lets you know that the important vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and naturally occurring good bacteria have not been compromised due to over processing, filtration, or excessive heating. Before consuming, shake the the bottle gently to thoroughly distribute all of the nutrients, pour, and serve.

An energy boosting way to drink ACV, without it taking your breath away, is to mix about 2 teaspoons with an equal amount of raw honey in a small glass of warm water. Stir to dissolve the honey and drink one to three times a day. You can sip on this drink during a meal for extra digestive power, or you can drink this ahead of a meal. Refrain from drinking to much water or any other beverage during your meal, and for up to an hour afterward. Give your gastric stomach juices enough time to fully break down the food you just ate, on its own, without weakening their effects with added liquids.

Why use apple cider vinegar? Because, when it is used medicinally it helps the body rid itself of harmful toxins, has wonderful disinfecting properties as a natural bad germ fighter, and is a very biodegradable substance that does not pollute the environment.

With regular and continued use, this wonderful liquid helps restore and balance the body's pH, taking it from acidic to neutral in a short amount of time. Normally, it would be hard to believe that such an acidic substance could normalize, or lower our pH so easily. As far as I know, this only applies to vinegar, as our digestive system will naturally convert it to an alkaline based substance.

An acidic internal system is directly caused from eating excessive amounts of meat, grains, and sugar by eating and drinking too many processed foods and beverages. This will provide an invitation, internally, for unwanted illness or disease to set up house. Otherwise, a neutral or more alkaline system will promote an enhanced emotional and physical health state.

Raw, ACV contains over 40 different naturally occurring substances from vitamins and minerals, to enzymes and beneficial bacteria. It has been used for generations to treat a variety of different human health conditions such as:

2.high blood pressure

3.all types of skin problems

4.chronic fatigue and insomnia

5.heartburn and other digestive abnormalities

6.high cholesterol and blood sugar

7.maintaining normal body weight
This is not exhaustive list, by far, of common health maladies that ACV has been known to eliminate. As with any new diet addition, your expectations may be too high in the healing effects of vinegar. Keep in mind that it is not to be considered a panacea for all ill health evils.

Although many individuals have achieved a more improved physical state by using vinegar, without modifying their daily dietary habits, serious diet modifications need to be considered in some hard-core cases. Doing so would further enhance a partial response when combined with a healthier diet.

This is, especially, a key factor when using vinegar for serious weight loss. You simply must reduce or eliminate your consumption of over processed foods, eat more raw plant foods, eat smaller meals more often, and step up your effort in getting regular and moderate physical exertion. These strategies combined with ACV will take you a long way in seeing the results you are hoping for, and quicker. It is possible to lose up to one to three pounds a week.

Remember too...that diet modifications include increasing daily liquid intake. Apple cider vinegar works best when adequate liquids are supplied to help carry out the toxins we ingest and are exposed to every day.

Not just any liquids, but read this to mean WATER exclusively. Start reducing the amounts of other beverages you may be drinking instead, such as soft drinks, coffee, tea, fruit juices, and alcohol. Moderation, in occasionally consuming these, is absolutely crucial in maintaining a healthy body weight (even if your underweight), or if you are trying to lose weight.

When used as a flavor seasoning, or drinking as a healthy tonic, ACV could have your current health issue becoming a thing of the past. As with any type of natural or conventional health treatment, be realistic. Expect a reasonable amount of time for vinegar to take affect. This may be only a few days, a week, or it could be longer. If you are really committed to giving it a real chance, you may look forward to a much different health reality sooner than you think

Monday, April 18, 2011

Eating Animal Protein Leads To Sick Red Blood Cells

How to Kick Start Your Alkaline Diet In 5 Simple Steps - How To Feel Healthy, Lose Weight And Be Young Again Alkaline Diet









The linking of red blood cells that are lemon shaped and unhealthy is the result of a diet high in animal protein. Red blood cells need to be separate in order to squeeze into the small capillaries which are only 3 microns in diameter. Red blood cells are 7 microns in diameter.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Malignant Mesothelioma Review-Get Cost Effective Treatment of Malignant Mesothelioma of Pleura in India

mesothelioma asbestos

MALIGNANT MESOTHELIOMA: Deadly Cancer Caused by Exposure to Toxic Asbestos

India is the preferred destination for the Cost effective treatment of Malignant mesothelioma of pleura. An integrated world-class healthcare system, leveraging best medical practices backed by cutting-edge technology, specialized clinics, comprehensive services, internationally renowned private hospitals offering utmost level of integrated healthcare to international patients. 

The medical tourism industry in India is growing at double-digit growth rate, outstripping the 4% to 6% growth in general travel bookings. For many medical tourists, though, the real attraction is price. The cost of treatment of Malignant mesothelioma of pleura in India, is not only affordable but the quality of the treatment is also at par.

What is Malignant mesothelioma of Pleura?

Malignant mesothelioma of the pleura is a cancer which arises from the mesothelial cells found within the pleural membranes that cover the lungs. There are two pleurae: the visceral pleura, which cover the actual lung itself; and the parietal pleura, which cover the inside of the chest wall.

The purpose of the pleura is to provide a smooth surface so that, as the chest expands, the lungs expand smoothly within the chest cavity. The pleural membranes normally secrete a small amount of fluid for lubrication. This allows the visceral pleura (lining the lungs) to glide over the parietal pleura (lining the inside of the chest cavity). Malignant mesothelioma develops from the mesothelial cells of the pleura.

Who gets Malignant Mesothelioma of the Pleura?

Malignant mesothelioma is relatively uncommon compared to other tumors. Australia has the highest incidence of mesothelioma in the world, at 40 cases per million people. Other industrialized countries, which have mined and used asbestos, such as the United States, England, Canada and South Africa, have similar but slightly lower rates of disease. 

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Pericardial Mesothelioma Review-Pericardial Mesothelioma – Cancer of the Heart Lining

mesothelioma asbestos

MESOTHELIOMA: Deadly Cancer Caused by Exposure to Toxic Asbestos

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects the pericardium - the lining of tissue around the heart. It is the rarest form of mesothelioma, making up less than ten percent of mesothelioma cases. Like all forms of mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma has been linked to asbestos exposure.

Many people believe that mesothelioma is a cancer that only affects the lungs. In fact, mesothelioma is cancer of the serous membranes, which line the three organ cavities in the center of the body. Their function is to secrete fluids to cushion and lubricate the organs within those cavities.

The pleura encases the lungs in the chest cavity, and the lubrication provided by the pleural mesothelium also helps in breathing. The peritoneal cavity contains the stomach and other abdominal organs, and is lined by the peritoneum. The pericardial cavity contains the heart, and the serous membrane that protects and surrounds it is known as the pericardium.

What Is Pericardial Mesothelioma?

Cancer is generally defined by the organ or area of the body in which it originates. Thus cancer that originates in the pericardial mesothelium is called pericardial mesothelioma.

No one is quite certain why pericardial mesothelioma is the most rare of the three known types, but some doctors have suggested that it has to do with the way that asbestos fibers work their way into the body. 


Monday, April 11, 2011

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Prognosis-Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach

List Price: $386.95

List Price: $386.95

Your Price: $206.37- Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Gastrointestinal Oncology: A Critical Multidisciplinary Team Approach is the first evidence-based reference text designed for the multidisciplinary team of medical professionals involved in the investigation, diagnosis, and management of patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Written and edited by leading international experts in the field it sets the standard in clinical practice for dealing with esophageal, gastric, intestinal, colonic, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, and other GI tumors.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Nitric Oxide for Impotence & Erectile Dysfunction

Nitric Oxide for Impotence & Erectile Dysfunction

Does nitric oxide in L-arginine Plus work for Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction?

My answer is absolutely YES! New research from our own research and several other universities are reporting positive benefits of increased nitric oxide production, improved circulation to the extremities having positive effects for ED in as little as 3 weeks.

Here is what I can share with you:

*Viagra produces Nitric Oxide in the male genitalia and dramatically increases blood flow allowing for erections for a specific amount of time. Bottom-line many erectile dysfunction medications are acidic and therefore come with a long list of negative health effects.

*Many published studies have shown that consuming 5,000mg of L-arginine, triggers cell production of Nitric Oxide in all areas of the body including the reproductive system improving circulation to the male or female genitalia.

*Producing Nitric Oxide through the use of L-arginine has been found to relax and enlarge blood vessels, which allows for greater blood flow to the extremities. This is similar to a water hose that is no longer kinked allowing water to flow more freely. It works the same way with the blood being circulated throughout out body. When blood is needed in a special area, it flows more freely, allowing for a better sex life.

*Several of my male clients who are using L-arginine Plus for cardiovascular health are also using it for the purpose of sexual health. They have reported no longer needing to use Viagra.

*In 1998 three American scientists received the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering the role of Nitric Oxide and its health benefits for the cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

If you want to try the  L-arginine Plus, go to:

It is the best product on the market.

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